Mission To Enlighten The Dark Corners Of The World Where Light Could Not Reach Itself.

Mission Deep Educational Trust is a humanitarian non profitable organization which aims at helping fellow humans by providing them with the opportunity and guidance to lead a better life. It also aims at providing relief to the underprivileged and in the process be a guiding light to help children and youngsters in their journey to be self-reliant.

The trust was founded by S. Kamalpreet Singh in the year 2010 with a small team of 8 members. His dedicated journey that started with a small step soon turned into a caravan with numerous hands joining thus becoming a big family. At present, our trust is providing education and basic facilities like food, clothing and shelter to around 450 students.

Our Vision

The Founder Story:

According to statistics, 20% of students’ dropout from schools in Punjab. What is more concerning is that 50% of the seats reserved for the girls remain vacant. The causes for these alarming figures are manifold. These include illiteracy as they are unaware of the value of education, preference of male child hence low sex ratio, poor facilities, unavailability of basic health, hygienic and sanitary conditions, early marriage etc. First, let us look at the problems faced by a girl child taking an example of a child named GUNNI.

The challenges faced by girls in Punjab

Let’s look at Gunni’s story to understand the challenges faced by girls in Punjab:

Our founding father, S Kamalpreet Singh, being a teacher himself, wanted to bring a change in this scenario of education system in our state. He being a strong believer in the power of education, embarked on a journey to help children and youngsters gain access to the world of education without any fear and discrimination.

He laid the foundation of MISSIONDEEP EDUCATIONAL TRUST(MDET) in 2010 with just 17 kids. Today his dedication and vision has helped the trust in providing the education and facilities to around 450 students. He soon realized that only education will not empower the children but basic human facilities are also required. He thus introduced and held seminars, workshops and classes to help children know the benefits of better hygiene and better sanitation, all in all a better quality of life. He even started various skill development programs to ensure the child’s future as those skills will help him earn his livelihood. The mission deep educational trust organization also provides medical facilities, healthy food and other basic requirements to the underprivileged children.

Our Mission

We at Mission Deep aim at providing better life to the children of the weaker section of society. We highly believe that pen is mightier than sword, hence any child if given a chance can achieve great things in life. We also aim at providing basic human facilities and skill training sessions which further help them to live an independent life and generate livelihood for the future. We here emphasize on the equal treatment of the girl child and thus provide means and methods to educate and empower themand make them  a self-sustaining individual.

How We Are Transforming the Education Landscape